Pregnancy from the Other Side

Quick note…this article was written 4 years ago by Dr. Ali when she was pregnant with her second. The message is so great that we had to share and give you guys a good insight as to why our office is so amazing. You see we have a lot of empathy when treating our mamas, because we know first hand what you are going through. We’ve been there done that, so when you come in we can take even better care of you and really truly understand your needs. So, just to clarify…no Dr. Ali is not pregnant again, but she understands all to well what you are going through and all of us are here to help!

As I sit here trying to find a comfortable position, and it is getting harder and harder as I enter my 3rd trimester, I can’t help but think I’m done…done being pregnant. This thought comes to me much sooner this time around, this being my second pregnancy. This thought also makes me reflect back to my first pregnancy, and even before that, back before kids and I had just started my journey as a chiropractor specializing in pregnancy care.

Fresh out of school I was excited to start helping those women who were pregnant and all the aches and pains that come with pregnancy. I had all the answers and knew exactly what to do to help all women who were pregnant. Looking back now, I know I was naïve, but I knew more than enough to help my patients who were pregnant even though I had no idea what they were really feeling. Then 2 years later, after learning tons, I found myself on the other side of the chiropractic table. It was now my turn to really learn about pregnancy. I will say my first pregnancy made me a much better chiropractor because I now had empathy for those I had been and would be treating. I loved being pregnant and really felt great during my pregnancy, it didn’t hurt that I also had a husband who was a chiropractor, so I worked up until I had our son. Seven weeks later I was back in the office baby in tow. I had now been through pregnancy and birth and was even more prepared to help out my patients.

Fast forward to now, my practice is successful and with 85% of my patient base being pregnant women and kids, I still can’t believe that there are some women out there who are pregnant and not getting adjusted. And again I find myself on the other side of the chiropractic table, this time with a few more complaints. As I sat on my chiropractic table around trimester two and complained to my husband about my pubic pain and how I never felt this kind of discomfort with our son, I hear him say, ”Ali every pregnancy is different.” I strike back and say, “yeah well it’s too early to be this uncomfortable.” And then I hear it, the same thing I always tell my second, third, and so on mom’s, “everything happens sooner the second time around.” Ugh, he’s right, but I’m still so unprepared for what’s to come. This second time around has been trying, with way more aches and pains, and very different aches and pains, pubic pain is the worst! Also chasing after an almost 4 year old on top of being pregnant, not easy. All I want to do is take a nap, and that doesn’t happen often, by the time I get all my pillows arranged to be comfortable I have someone yelling “MOM!” Things are way different this time and I already know that I am not planning to work up until I have baby number two and will be taking more than 7 weeks off for maternity leave as I leave my patients in the very capable hands of my husband, who I would not be functioning without as I have him adjust me on a regular basis. But I will come back, baby in tow, an even better chiropractor with even more compassion and knowledge than before ready to help pregnant patients whether it’s their first baby or tenth.

 To all those pregnant women out there I just want to say your amazing…whether this is you first pregnancy or you’ve done this before and whether you feel great or you’ve got a few more aches and pains than you want, you truly are amazing and your body is amazing! Also if you haven’t experienced chiropractic care during your pregnancy, get in and get adjusted, your changing body will thank you, I know I’d be lying on the floor not able to get up and move if it wasn’t for my husband/chiropractor, and I’d be complaining a whole lot more :).

~ Dr. Ali