Every Child Deserves a Healthy Nervous System

In today’s world we’ve all heard the terms: “on the spectrum,” “hyperactive,” “developmental delays,” and so on. Children who have these terms attached to them sometimes have to work extra hard to overcome, not only these terms, but daily tasks that might come easy to some. Nutrition and diets are typically altered and there may be medications, both physical and mental exercises, but often chiropractic care is overlooked. Chiropractic adjustments have a profound affect on the nervous system which can help children with different arrays of special needs.

A better term than the ones stated above is sensory processing disorders. This broad term encompasses all developmental delays, including kids with autism, down’s syndrome, cerebral palsy, and ADHD. Sensory processing disorders also represent those who are fidgety, anxious, have trouble reading, are dyslexic or even have paralysis in extremities. The truth is we learn through our senses. What we see, what we hear, what we touch, and what we experience through perception of movement from our joints and muscles are our foundations for learning. Children who have sensory processing disorders brains and bodies are not working together to process sensory stimulation correctly and they have a harder time with activities of daily living. This can then lead to over excitation of the flight or fight response and now you have a child who can’t sit still, doesn’t seem to listen, has a hard time reading, and may not seem very coordinated. So how can chiropractic help? Adjusting the spine can help re-connect the brain and the body so they are on the same page when it comes to processing sensory stimulation. This re-connection helps decrease the flight or fight response, calms the child and now opens up a better opportunity to complete activities that may have been harder to complete before.

Incorporating chiropractic care into your child’s life, along with a proper diet, and some neurosensory exercises, can help re-connect the brain, body and other neural pathways. This can help increase their ability to concentrate, turn a 10 step process into a 5 step process, increase coordination, and much more. It’s the small changes that make a big difference in any child’s life who may have special needs. So if you have a child or know someone who has a child with special needs suggest chiropractic and let them experience a mind and body re-connect.

~Dr. Ali