Did You Know...


That Chiropractic, like dentistry, should begin while your children are young?

Dentistry is recommended when children are around 2 years old because it is at that age that a child begins to affect their teeth by their actions. By that same age, a child has more than affected their spine by their actions.

First, let's consider the amount of force placed on an infant's neck during delivery. Even the most natural of childbirth has that baby being pushed through the birth canal. This can place enormous force on their neck.

Second, picture a toddler of 12 months learning to walk. They take a few steps and then fall on their bottom. They then repeat this for days and sometimes weeks until they gain their balance and learn to stay on their feet. Each of those falls to their bottom is a bump to their sacrum (the vertebrae at the end of their spine). These kinds of tumbles and falls can cause repetitive-stress injuries to their spine and spinal problems that go undetected may become more serious problems as adults.

The doctors here at Active Family Chiropractic & Rehab encourage parents to have their children checked as many report back that once starting chiropractic care they see an improvement in immunity, digestion and elimination, breathing, sleeping, and behavior.

For more information visit www.icpa4kids.org

Ciera Krinke