Concussion Guidelines


So as parent's I'm sure we've all been worried from time to time if that huge fall caused any problems in our child. I know as a chiropractor I'm always concerned about falls and how it is affecting the spine and muscles of my own child, and everyone's child for that matter. It's hard to prevent every single fall and acrobatic mishap our children have, but it's always a good idea to know a few things about concussions for those really big falls and head smacks. For the most part a fall isn't going to be a big thing, something a snuggle and kiss can't fix, but for a few big head bonks here are a few guidelines for concussions in babies and toddlers.

How to tell if your child has a concussion

  1. loss of consciousness

  2. drowsiness

  3. dizziness

  4. confusion

  5. vomiting

  6. irritability

  7. drainage, clear or bloody, from nose, ears, or mouth

What to do if your child has a concussion

So in most cases a concussion isn't always something that requires immediate medical attention. If your child is showing some of the signs listed above such as disorientation, irritability or even if they vomit right away it's okay. These symptoms, although scary, are normal. Monitor your child and try to keep them awake for at least an 2-3 hours after the incident, if they are showing signs of a concussion. Usually these signs will disappear within the hour. After an hour it is okay for the child to nap, but keep an eye on them and make sure you are able to arouse them and that they have normal breathing patterns. The first night after your baby's fall it's a good idea to check them periodically through the night and make sure you can wake them up. Note that the minor signs of a concussion can last for a day or two, so just continue to monitor your child for the next 24-48 hours.

When should you call the doctor?

  1. If your baby loses consciousness call your doctor, 911, or take them to the ER.

  2. If your child seems unusually sleepy after 24 hours or can't be woken up during nap time or bedtime.

  3. Seems weak or confused, has problems with coordination, vision, or verbal communication 4-6 hours after the fall (again you may notice some of these symptoms right after a fall, which is normal)

  4. If vomiting persists for longer than 2 hours after the fall

When should I bring my child into the chiropractor after a fall?

So with any fall, big or small, there is always a chance of having some spinal misalignment and it's always a good idea to get your child's spine checked. I always recommend that 24 hours after a big fall is ideal for getting your kid in to the office and getting his/her spine checked. After a fall your child might complain of some pain and discomfort, but more than likely they won't. Giving them 24 hours gives their little bodies a chance to self correct and for any inflammation in the joints and muscles to decrease. After 24 hours a chiropractic appointment should be scheduled, especially if they are complaining about any pain or you as a parent are noticing any unusual walking, reaching, or favoring of any body parts. The sooner the child's spine is checked and any misalignments are corrected the happier and healthier your child will be.

Remember too, if you have any concerns about a big fall or if your child does have a concussion Dr. Josh and I are more than qualified to check out your child and give you the right advice to ensure your child recovers from those normal bumps and falls.

Ciera Krinke